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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Cole

June Update!

Important Dates to Remember:

June 9th- K-4 Concert 1:00 (In person event. Parents are welcome!)

June 13th-Field day! Wear appropriate clothes and footwear for a fun filled day!

June 14th-Moose Point Field Trip!

June 16th- Last day of school! Half day!

What a crazy and amazing year this has been! Despite all the changes and all the challenges of making it through this pandemic, we have made this year one for the books. I have loved every moment with these students and they will be forever in my heart! Each one of them has made huge gains and learned so much over these months of sharing and learning together. I am so proud of their resilience and hard work through it all.

Here’s how we will be spending our final days together in the classroom!

Topics for the Month of June

Reading: We will be working on reading, answering questions, and performing reader’s theatres. We will also be doing some fun review stations.

Math: We have been learning a little bit about some tricky topics that they are sure to encounter in third grade. We’re going over the basics of multiplication and division and then reviewing the concepts from this year. I also have some math games we will be playing to tighten up our math fluency.

Writing: We will continue to discuss poetry as well as write letters to next year's teachers telling them about ourselves.

Science and Social Studies: We will be reading some books from Native American tribes and discussing their history!

As always, feel free to email me with any questions and thank you for all you’ve done for me and the students throughout this school year. I couldn’t have done it without all your love and support.

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